Why is so hard to commit to an Ironman or a 70.3 race?

Getting Started, May 23, 2024

I have found that it's getting harder and harder for people to commit to do a 70.3 or an Ironman race these days. so I decided to list below the reasons I hear athletes talk about the most...

I have found that it's getting harder and harder for people to commit to do a 70.3 or an Ironman race these days. so I decided to list below the reasons I hear athletes talk about the most:

1. You have to train a lot!

Training has evolved a lot and we now train smarter and much less than what we trained back in the days. But I still see people training a lot some guided by long mileage coaches and others for the fear of not completing the distance. One thing that it's important to understand is that, as coaches, we have to take in consideration the overall stress the athlete goes through in their lives. Family, kids, work and other obligations add a lot to the training stress and it needs to be considered when planning the training. It's possible to build a strong foundation with 8 hours a week and to have a 6-8 week specific Ironman training block up to 12 hours for most people to finish well, healthy and even Podium on their AG! for a 70.3 race is even less!!! 

2. Time Management

Balancing the training schedule with everyday responsibilities is a major hurdle. Most athletes have full-time jobs, families, and other commitments. Finding time training can be hard so I recommend to train first thing in the morning so you can go on with your life without thinking that after a busy day, you have to go workout leaving your family waiting.

3. Mental Toughness

Mental resilience is as crucial as physical fitness in endurance sports. The prolonged, solitary training sessions can be mentally taxing. Athletes must develop a strong mental fortitude to push through the pain, fatigue, and occasional lack of motivation. The mental barriers, often more daunting than physical ones, can cause many to doubt their ability to compete and complete.

4. Technical Skills and Knowledge

Triathlon requires more than just physical endurance; it also demands some technical proficiency, specially in the swimming and running. But with the technology now, we can help athletes through videos and really help them to improve! Athletes must also be knowledgeable about nutrition, hydration, and recovery strategies and the secret is to avoid all the media and internet hype and to listen to your coach!!

5. Commitment and Consistency

You have to commit! Only through consistent training you will get there. But with a realistic plan you can do it in a healthy manner without making your life miserable!

8. Social Support

Having a support network is crucial for success. You need to have the support of your family and friends so be honest with them about your goals and training to avoid future stress. The lack of social support can make the journey feel isolating and increase the likelihood of abandoning the goal.


It's possible! All you need is to organize yourself and follow a program that it's suited to you specifically so you stay motivated and healthy through the journey! Also I recommend you to do short distance races so you have some fun on the process of your big race!