Increase your stride length by 2" and get HUGE gains in time!!!!
Run Technique, September 08, 2020
Increase your stride length by 2" and get HUGE gains in time!!!! In my recent article, I mentioned that you could run much faster if you gain mobility and push off power (increase your stride length) . But to illustrate this a bit better, I made this table (below) so you can see gains based on your actual running speed. It's amazing what ONLY 2 inches can do to your overall time!

Dear athletes,
In my recent article, I mentioned that you could run much faster if you gain mobility and push off power (increase your stride length) . But to illustrate this a bit better, I made this table (below) so you can see gains based on your actual running speed. It's amazing what ONLY 2 inches can do to your overall time!